I haven't been seized by the desire to
write about a particular topic this week, so I thought I might post a
few recipes. You may be wondering what we do for breakfast around
here. Then again, you may not. Either way, I'm going to share our
morning routine with you! I get up around 6:30am and shuffle around
the kitchen bumping into the dining table for about 20 minutes. Once
I finally gain my bearings, I prepare Phase 1 of breakfast. In this
house you get two choices for breakfast: muesli or hot porridge.
Ali, Finlay and I prefer the cold cereal, so we get to eat first.
Also, Finlay gets picked up for school at 7:50am, so I need to make
sure he's fed early. My muesli recipe is pretty easy. I keep a
large Rubbermaid container filled with a mixture of 2/3 organic rice
puffs, and 1/3 organic millet puffs. After this goes into the bowls,
it's time for the toppings. The kids like to sprinkle their own
toppings on if they happen to be up, otherwise I do it. I get out
unsalted sunflower seeds, unsweetened shredded coconut, chopped
pecans, and raisins. After all these are sprinkled over the cereal,
I finish off with a sliced banana. The boys can choose whether they
want unsweetened coconut milk or almond milk. These days they are
going through an almond milk stage, but I prefer the coconut milk.
There's more fat in it. And I'm a big fan of fat.
Once the younger boys are taken care
of, and Finlay is off to school, then I start Phase 2. Calum and
Adam prefer porridge, so I make oatmeal. I make a batch large enough
for three days, so I don't have to prepare it from scratch every
morning. If you aren't a big fan of oat porridge, then you really
should try this recipe. It's really really good. Unfortunately for
me, when I eat porridge I'm starving 30 minutes later. It just
doesn't hold me like the muesli does. Anyway, I bring two cups of
unsweetened coconut milk plus two cups of water to a boil. I add two
cups of rolled oats, and lower the heat to medium-low. Let this
simmer with the lid on for 10 minutes, stirring occasionally. When
it's done I add one tablespoon of organic unsalted butter, one
teaspoon of vanilla extract, and one teaspoon of cinnamon. Calum
likes sunflower seeds, brown sugar and sliced banana on his. Adam
gets ground flax seeds, banana, and chopped walnuts with a splash of
coconut milk. As you can see, we go through a ton of bananas. The
boys snack on them as well, so we devour a large bunch daily.
This probably sounds like a lot of work
for so early in the morning. It is. I also spend a good two hours
in the kitchen preparing lunch, and then another two hours again to
prepare dinner. I spend an awful lot of time in my kitchen each and
every day. Good thing I really like my kitchen. I know most of you
would never dream of spending so much time preparing food everyday.
Luckily, I love to cook. I've always prepared food from scratch and
have always made the effort to cook a really healthy homemade dinner
every night. Now I've had to step up my game to the ultimate level.
If you don't have developmental delays, neurological conditions, food
allergies, chronic migraines and cancer represented in your
household, you may struggle to find the motivation to spend so much
time and energy preparing meals. But, you may have other
motivations. Perhaps you have seasonal allergies, joint pain,
insomnia, excess weight, PMS, asthma, or any other number of various
ailments plaguing your family members. It might be time to re-think
the way you use your kitchen, and what positive changes you can make
to your dietary health.
If you haven't seen these before, take
a look:
These are Kirlian images of a tomato.
The tomato on the left is raw, and those little beams of light are
energy being emitted from that little raw vegetable. The tomato on
the right has been lightly steamed. The energy has been dimished
somewhat, but there is still evidence of a life-giving force coming
from within the tomato. I haven't been able to find Kirlian images
of, say, a Stouffers lasagna, but I would be willing to bet that
there aren't any beams of light shooting out from within it. We've
heard it all before, that whole foods are better for us. But, look
at those photos! It's more than a simple case of fat, calories and
carbs. Whole foods contain valuable vitamins and minerals, but they
also contain beautiful radiating energy. Here's something else you
can't measure in a lab. Recently I watched a YouTube video of a pale
thin raw vegan chef making kale chips. She had a breathy voice and a
very airy way about her, which I found mildly annoying, BUT she said
something that really grabbed me. She said that she really likes to
handle her food as much as possible while preparing it. She feels
that through her hands she can take advantage of that radiating
energy, and make it hers. I can totally see that. I've been tempted
to acquire a food processor to help me with the endless chopping,
shredding, and dicing. But, I think the vegan chef is right. When I
handle vegetables all day long, washing, peeling, dicing, chopping,
and slicing, I'm exposed to that radiating force within it. That is
just as nourishing as eating the food once it's prepared. I also
have a very firm belief in the X-Factor of homemade foods. I am
convinced that when I prepare and cook food completely from scratch,
using my loving hands, that MY energy is transmitted to the food.
That energy and love then travels into my husband and children when
they consume what I've prepared. The secret ingredient is love,
people. Maybe it's sounds a bit crazy, but we all know the
unspecified power of homemade food prepared by none other than Mom.
You are missing out on so much when your diet consists primarily of
processed food. That Stouffers lasagna has been prepared by a
machine. Where's the love? It ain't there. If your children eat
cereal from a box for breakfast, bologna on commercial bread with
potato chips for lunch, and a rotisserie chicken with frozen peas for
dinner... you haven't actually touched any of it. There has been no
transmission of your love through the food into your family. We have
been preparing food the good old fashioned way since Adam and Eve,
and only in the past generation have we gotten so far removed from
the basic art and pleasure of cooking food for our families. I know
everyone is busy, and many women work outside the home. But, it is
possible, even if only a few dinners a week, to make a simple meal
from scratch for the sake of your health, and the health of your
family. I can put together a salad, broiled fish, and homemade
potato wedges in 30 minutes. You can find a few recipes that
everyone enjoys and that you can lovingly prepare in a short amount
of time. And you will reap the benefits of handling that food as well.
Now get in that kitchen!