Finally. I've been trying to get to
the computer to blog for a couple of weeks now, but the problem is
every time I find a few precious minutes I discover the computer has
been shut down. Along with the television, DVD player and Wii.
Power strips are commonly found switched off. The iPods are kept on
airplane mode and safely stored high where little hands can't reach
them. That's right. We are slowly converting to the Amish religion.
I haven't used my microwave in nearly a week. Adam is still working
from his office upstairs, which requires a computer, but for the most
part we are really trying to minimize our use of electrical objects.
And I'm about to tell you why!
I know you guys are starting to think
of us as a little bit wacko. We've gone vegetarian. We tossed the
cell phones and cordless landlines in favor of good ol' fashioned
corded phones. We have various homemade concoctions lining our
bathtub and bathroom sink. We juice and make vegetable smoothies
several times a day. We put coffee up our bums (and like it). I
know I'm tiptoeing dangerously close to the edge, and pretty soon I
may find myself in a well-meaning intervention meeting with my
friends. But, I'm not gone yet. I'm not yet standing on a box in
the center of Berryville, unwashed, with soiled clothing and crazed
eyes, shaking my fist at the sky and yelling, “Repent, repent! The
end is nigh!” I haven't joined the Lyndon LaRouche supporters
outside the post office. Although, politically speaking, I think
they might find me a bit too fringe for their liking (the Illuminati
have control of the whole world and there is no hope for us except to
become hermits and shield our children from their evil agenda).
Adam started doing research into
electromagnetic frequencies a few weeks back, and has uncovered a lot
of interesting information. Many people have asked upon hearing
about Adam's condition, “Is it the cell phones?” The answer is
“yes” (just like, “Do vaccines cause autism?.... YES) If you
have a sneaking suspicion that holding a cell phone up to your skull
for hours a day might have negative effects on the brain held within,
then your instincts are trying to tell you something. A 2007 study
from Sweden (I love Sweden) showed an increased risk of brain tumors
in subjects who had been using cell phones for at least 10 years.
Another Swedish study (have I mentioned I love Sweden?) showed that
children regularly exposed to 3mG (milligauss) or more of
electromagnetic frequency (EMF) had 4 times the rate of leukemia. In
the same study, adults who where exposed to 3mG or higher of EMF at
their place of work had 3 times the rate of leukemia. 8 other
studies have reported increased risks of several different types of
cancer relative to the subject's proximity to power lines. So where
do we find EMFs? Pretty much anything electrical will emit EMFs.
Power lines, fuse boxes, the computer, the fridge, the microwave,
your clock radio, and cell phones among many other things we use
everyday. Anytime you are seated next to or are holding an
electrical item, waves of electromagnetic energy run through your
body. But, how does that affect us? We don't really know. One
theory is that electromagnetic energy disrupts our body's ability to
produce melatonin. In animal studies, rats exposed to increased
levels of EMF had decreased levels of melatonin. However, in similar
studies with sheep and baboons, their melatonin levels were
unaffected. One study on humans did show decreased melatonin levels
in subjects who already had low melatonin levels when they were
exposed to EMFs, but those subjects within the normal range seemed to
be unaffected. Melatonin, if you don't know, is a hormone released
by the pineal gland that slows cancer growth, among many other
important functions. If people who are deficient in melatonin are
exposed to EMFs, their already increased cancer risk may have just
gone up. That's worth noting.
Adam decided that for his birthday he
really wanted an EMF meter to take some readings around the house.
Based on the Swedish studies, some groups have determined the maximum
safe exposure of EMFs to be at 3mG. In most of the rooms of our
house, the ambient EMF level is about 1 ½mG. That's good. But
start moving closer to the electrical items, and interesting things
start happening. The stereo (when playing a CD) went up to 100 at
point blank range. You need to back up at least a foot before it
falls back down to 3mG. The microwave when OFF went up to 100 at
point blank range, but fell back down to 3mG less than a foot away.
However, when we turned it ON the needle again went off the charts,
and we needed to back a full 6 FEET away from the unit before the
needle went back down to 3mG. That's shocking. Especially when I
realized that having a built-in unit above the stove is the most
dangerous decision we could have made 3 years ago when we had our
kitchen done. How many times have I stood with my head less than 6
inches away from a running microwave because I was also tending to
food cooking on the stove. Frightening. We had a lot of fun testing
the TV, Wii, clock radio, computer hard drives, computer monitors,
and everything else we could think of. All of them had shockingly
high readings at point blank range. It is really important not to
sleep right next to an alarm clock. It's also important to make sure
you are always at least 3 feet away from your computer screen. If
you are at an arm's length, you are okay. If your teenage daughter
sleeps with her cell phone under her pillow, run (don't walk) and go
get her an MRI. Today. Okay I'm kidding, sort of. But, these kind
of habits have to change if we want to prevent an epidemic of brain
tumors or other cancers in the future. The Swedish government (can I
tell you again how much I love Sweden) has recommended that no new
homes or schools be constructed near energy plants and has proposed
that efforts be made to lower EMF levels in all homes, schools and
workplaces. Adam used to walk up to the new Clarke County High
School every morning, until one day last week he took his EMF meter
with him. There is a mobile phone tower right next to the school,
and the levels in front of the school were off the charts. That's
exposure of over 100mG of EMFs all day everyday for all the children
and staff of that school. Adam has changed his walking route. For
the rest of you, think about all the electrical items in your house
and how you may be able to change some of your habits. Please
consider using your cell phone only on “speaker”. You can find
modern corded phones with caller ID. Instead of leaving the WiFi on
all the time, switch it off at nights. Same for the computer. And
toss the microwave. Unless it's built-in like ours, in which case
you just found some more storage space! Also, there are protective
measures you can take if you must work in an office and use a cell
phone regularly. Pong makes a case for cell phones that block
radiation and make them safer to carry around with you all day.
Also, Safe Space, among many other companies, makes patches that you
can stick on computer screens, hard drives, printers and appliances
that absorb EMFs. Finally, there are supplements you can take to
help your body deal with EMF exposure. Adam takes rosemary capsules
everyday. Also cilantro, dandelion and seaweeds (kelp, spirulina,
and chlorella) help the body eliminate cells that have been damaged
from metals, radiation and EMF exposure. If you are unable to go the
full Amish and avoid EMFs completely, and you feel you might be at
risk, consider adding one or two of these supplements to your diet.
And do some research. Some of this information can be hard to find,
but it's out there!
Adam's tumor journey still continues I hope?